Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The protest on Wall Street, what will it become?

They call it occupy wall street or occupy the world it has become a global reaction sparking in over 54 countries mainly derivied from the united states. For the protest of the 1% of rich americans and the 99% who feel like there middle class is fading away and it is dividing into a rich an poor economy. Occupy wall street is a demonstration on the injust of how big economy buisneses and bank CEOs have on the government and how it affects vote for the are legislators  and the people of the United States. These protest also include fight against a major  increase in corparate crime and financial fraud in the banks and big buisness CEOs. The debt has also effected everyone causing hire taxes while rich benifit with tax cuts made by the Reagan administration in the eighties.                                                                                                                                                   Hundreds of thousands have gone bankrupt and forclosures are a common site in america now. even are prison system needs renewing a prisoner cost 50,000 thousand dollars a year to keep in prison of tax payers money while for a student in school the government spends 5000 a year on one student. And colleges have been raising there tuition fees causing thousands of student loans and hundreds of student debt to pay off. Citizens have been losing hundreds of jobs because of outsourcing where big companies go to china or india to make cheaper products and cheaper labor where american jobs are lost and hundreds unemployed. Its time for a change in the american economic system where everybody is secured to a house, free medical care, free education and the right to freedom in jobs and the right to secure and keep that job instead of struggiling like many americans today.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


ahhh the ejoyment of rowing it is one of the few things that actually makes me happy when people think of rowing they think of some guy with two oars and a little row boat. but the realiuty is that rowing is one of the most competetive sports in the world it is a physical and mental challenge and if your looking for a free ticket into college this is the sport is your best bet. Some of the top schools in the world are known for there rowing like have you ever heard of harvard or oxford? For me though rowing starts right in the estuary with the oakland strokes which i am curently signing up for. Go strokes! But there is a long story behing that i used to be on another team a long time ago in another galaxy but im not going into detail about that whole story.                                                                                                                                                      But how i got into crew is another story i went to a meeting at the beggining of the year for school they had a stand at my high school and i was interested so went to one meeting and it clicked i wanted to play it is one of the few things that still makes me happy these days. It is also one of the most physically demanding  water sports out there wich makes it easy since i live right next to the bay awsome sauce, but im still waiting and yearning for the time when i finish signing up for the strokes one day.